The most important car in a decade for Infiniti – the Q60 Coupe. I chose star actor Kit Harington (Jon Snow of Game of Thrones) to spearhead this global campaign from CP+B. The work underscored the visceral feeling the Q60 can inspire once you take the wheel. The output: a staggering reading of William Blake’s poem Tyger, Tyger delivered by Kit as he put the Q60 through its paces. The film was a Gold winner in the Graphis Advertising Annual 2017 and Editor's Pick in Creativity/AdAge.
The campaign also included influencer films starring uber-cool shoe designer, Sophia Chang, and Jay-Z’s engineer/producer, Young Guru.
Shot in London, Los Angeles, and Wales, the campaign was led by social content on YouTube and Facebook and with posts on Instagram. Kit also fronted a further 30 sec TV spot that played globally during the Olympics.
Infiniti Kit Harington Online Film: Steve Clarke, Tim Gillingham, Bo Deng / Dir. Antoine Bardou-Jacquet

We also ran an Instagram campaign maximizing Kit's global social reach. It featured a Character Poster series with original artwork as well as video, portrait and car imagery.