Young Guru, the most celebrated engineer and producer of his generation (Jay-Z, Kanye West) worked with us to create a new kind of track; this one derived from the direct output of the Q60’s onboard computer as Guru put the car through its paces in the deserts of California. Guru then built the track from there creating a unique mash of man and machine.
The resulting music track entitled 'Amped' was made available online and could be remixed by listeners.
Infiniti Young Guru Online Film: Steve Clarke, Tim Gillingham, Bo Deng, Carmen Gomez / Dir. Jacob Rosenberg

We also ran an Instagram campaign maximizing Young Guru's social reach. It featured a Character Poster series with original artwork as well as video, portrait and car imagery. Young Guru also appeared in person at Pebble Beach auto festival.

Sophia Chang is a cutting edge, NY-based, shoe and sneaker designer who has worked with the likes of Adidas and others. She created a unique sneaker inspired the lines of the new Q60.
Infiniti Sophia Chang Online Film: Steve Clarke, Tim Gillingham, Bo Deng / Dir. Antoine Bardou-Jacquet

We also ran an Instagram campaign maximizing Sophia Chang's social reach. It featured a Character Poster series with original artwork as well as video, portrait and car imagery. Sophia also appeared in person at Pebble Beach auto festival.